Prima Wijaya Kusuma: SEHATIN, Smart Electronic Devices for Health Monitoring and Anticipations with IoT Technology

    JAKARTA - In this video, The Most Outstanding Student of Universitas Mercu Buana, Prima Wijaya Kusuma, presenting and giving the solutions for the health problems with the innovation and technology implementations.

    According to data from the World Health Organization, in 2020, there were around 420 million people suffering from diabetes worldwide, and this figure is expected to continue to increase in the future.

    Apart from that, heart disease and stroke are also the main causes of death throughout the world, and this is caused by a lack of understanding, monitoring and anticipation using integrated technology.  

    As a student who acts as an agent of change, Prima Wijaya Kusuma have intuition and ideas that can help achieve quality health with technology. And this Idea is presenting how technological innovation can address global health challenges while advancing infrastructure to support sustainable development.  

    Prima Wijaya Kusuma present to the world of SEHATIN: Smart Electronic Devices for Health Monitoring and Anticipations with IoT Technology.

    SEHATIN is a tools and platform can contributes solve problem and also can support achieving Sustainablle Development Goal number 3 which is  Good Health and Well-being.  SEHATIN's background is a response to the need for innovative and affordable health solutions in Indonesia and developing countries.

    This is driven by the complexity of health challenges, limited access to health services, and advances in technology.  And SEHATIN supports the achievement of SDG number 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure. Innovative and affordable health infrastructure is key to expanding access to healthcare services for all layers of society.

    SEHATIN is a prime example of how technological innovation can advance health infrastructure. By implementing smart technology in health monitoring, SEHATIN opens doors to infrastructure renewal that supports more efficient and affordable healthcare services.

    prima wijaya kusuma universitas mercu buana


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